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Support for Organisations

Helping people and organisations to understand, embrace and develop their capabilities is what we are all about.

Please get in touch if you want to...

  • make confident, fair and accurate hiring and promotional decisions by assessing and measuring the right skills, behaviours and potential required for the job;

  • identify staff with high potential for future success and retain them through considered investment in their development and career planning;

  • implement structured development centres to identify your peoples’ strengths and areas where they could enhance their skills;

  • provide tailored coaching for one of your team members or the whole team;

  • implement individual or team development initiatives that enhance individual and collective capability by increasing self-awareness and developing key skills;

  • use screening and diagnostic assessments to identify neurodivergence and understand how to support staff in using their strengths and overcoming challenges;

  • conduct a workplace needs assessment to identify the challenges a neurodivergent staff member faces and implement reasonable adjustments and solutions to enable and empower them to perform to their best.​

Why use an occupational psychologist?

Occupational psychologists specialise in applying evidence-based psychological practice to improve the engagement, wellbeing, performance, development and productivity of people in their work and workplace. We implement effective approaches and solutions to solve workplace and workforce problems.​


Read more about my professional experience, training, qualifications and professional memberships on the About page.

Neurodivergent assessment

Neurodivergent assessment services

I offer services to help you support and empower your people to be effective in their roles.


Assessments for neurodivergent employees

Use of screening and assessment tools to investigate and, where relevant, diagnose specific learning difficulties (SpLD) including dyslexia, dyspraxia (DCD) and dyscalculia, and look for traits suggestive of autism spectrum conditions (ASC) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Recommendations about how an individual can make best use of their strengths and tips to help them manage difficulties would be included.

Selection and assessment services

I design solutions that are tailored to your organisation's needs and the specific assessment, selection, or development project.

Business meeting

Assessment for hiring

Design and delivery of a bespoke suite of tools to support your recruitment or selection process. This could include competency-based interviews, psychometric tests, work-sample assessments, simulation exercises, personality profiling and assessment of working style preferences. This will allow you to make evidence-based decisions based on an objective understanding of a candidate's capabilities, suitability and potential.

Coaching and learning and development services

I offer tailored development packages for individuals and teams.

Corporate, staff and employees with collaboration, meeting and feedback in an office, happ

Neurocapability coaching for leaders

A deep-dive leadership coaching package comprising a carefully tailored coaching program built around insights gained through a full screening and diagnostic assessment for neurodivergent traits and conditions (with diagnosis if relevant) and a holistic understanding of you and your world. Further psychometric assessments (e.g. leadership style, personality, ability, motivation, and strengths) are used to enhance your learning and support your development journey as needed. We focus on developing strategies for success and building your capabilities to embrace your future with confidence.

Services for organisations - Fees

Solutions are tailored to your needs and the project. Please get in touch to discuss your requirements and for more information about fees.

Coaching and development
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